Financial Policy
For your convenience, we accept cash, check, credit cards, as well as Care Credit. We deliver the finest care at the most reasonable cost to our patients (our fees have not increased since 2014). Payment is due at the time services are rendered unless other arrangements have been made in advance. If you have questions regarding your account, please contact us at 830-895-3494.
Please remember you are fully responsible for all fees charged by this office regardless of your insurance coverage.

Jaw Surgery
Orthognathic surgery is needed when jaws don't meet correctly and/or teeth don't seem to fit with jaws. Familiar terms may be an 'overbite' or 'underbite'. Teeth are straightened with orthodontics and corrective jaw surgery then repositions misaligned jaws.
If you are a candidate for Corrective Jaw Surgery, Dr. Lussier will work closely with your dentist and orthodontist during your treatment. The actual surgery can move your teeth and jaws into a new position that results in a more attractive, functional and healthy dental-facial relationship.
What to Expect
Corrective jaw surgery is a significant intervention requiring many months of preparation.
The surgery is performed in the hospital and can last between two to four hours.
Hospital stays of one to three days are normal.
Braces are maintained during surgery and may need to be removed six to twelve months after surgery.
Patients typically may be off work/school from two weeks to one month after surgery.
Return to normal chewing function may take 6-8 weeks.
Weekly appointments are required for up to two months after surgery.